Infrastructure is the backbone for communications systems, providing the connectivity to ensure that your network is always connected, always on. New generations of infrastructure products and equipment are changing the technology landscape, providing enhanced coverage where there was none before (or not enough). From the tower and antenna to the individual to machines, from the densified cities to the wide open spaces, wireless infrastructure ensures you can communicate whenever you need to.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
5G requires more sites than any previous wireless technology. This requires moving to a completely different design model, with hundreds of sites in a single neighborhood. Densifying the wireless network for 5G likely will mean locating sites in myriad interesting spots such as street lights, stop signs, trash cans and manhole covers. So how do we get ready? What are our options for sites, and how you get all those cells connected back to the network backbone?
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Examine current limitations to the signals of two-way radios and cellular devices and understand the limitations to both the citizen and first responder. Certain signals aren’t capable of penetrating a building, particularly where energy-efficient windows are used. Explore advancements in DAS, BDAs and small cells that provide in-building coverage for public-safety users and the citizens they serve. In addition, consider testing options and hear the panelists debate who should be responsible for making sure a signal is working inside the building, as well as who should pay for the in-building solution.
Panelist: John Foley, General Manager, Safer Buildings Coalition
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
02:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Robust system operation requires knowledge of the various contributors to survivability, hardening, redundancy and resiliency for both your network and your site. Physical security and reliability are vital to any network, but there are many ways to ensure network availability, especially in an ultra-dense network with sites than can provide overlapping coverage areas. Meanwhile, cybersecurity is too often an afterthought, despite the ever-growing threat potential. Explore form factors, power consumption, and strategies for keeping you systems resilient, particularly in disasters or major incidents.